Any academic or cultural body or local body constituted by local governing bodies, including a university, department, registered society or trust interested in academic, cultural or social work in the Sector.
VEGAS will act as a bridge between students and AVGC -XR organisations for internships, and placement opportunities in member organisations.
Assistance in affiliation, accreditation, curriculum and assessment. (Under authority from NSDC and MESC)
Trademarked, authorised, National common admission exams and counseling for creative studies with Global intake (especially for 3 year and above courses).
Assistance in obtaining subsidies, grants, aid under schemes from UGC, AICTE, MESC, state and central government (nominal consultancy fee would apply)
Tax exemption under recognised skill development institute category.
Eligibility and recognition of courses for educational or skill development loans by nationalised banks.
Creating awareness about creative careers and their advantages through series of road shows with NASSCOM, ASSOCHAM etc. at school level by 1 hour shows with parents and students audience at PTA level.
Colleges – training cum placement offers, on curriculum and off curriculum Electives for viscom and animation students.
Exclusive education fairs for creative skills at major district head quarters.
Representing a group of institutes for data generation activities in major education fairs across the country (reduced tariff).
Personality development workshops for trainers and staff by proven experts at concessional or free of cost.
Assistance in VC, franchise, acquisitions and mergers by floating information to prospective member companies and high profile individuals.